- I o n c e d r e a m e d o f y o u ..... 平静地关注着,平静地思考着,平静地努力着,平静的期许着。
- He's in the ________(m b o e o d r )now. 留学解答资讯网:1\\He isn't in the kitchen.
- Restore our idea of the MAC a d d r e s s . 为什么我们平时能改MAC地址了吧。
- D a v i d R . G o l d f i e l d , o p . c i t . , p . 1 8 4 . 西西比投了卡特的票后,感慨地说,“摘棉花的手最终选出了总统”。
- Blower be protected off mote ,low noise ,avoid mote d r o p in raw . 隔尘、静音风机、间绝进入原料尘埃,确保原料精纯度。
- Deng B, Burris D R, Campbell T. Reduction of vinyl chlorinated in metallic iron-water system[J], Environ Sci &Technol., 1999,33(15):2651. 全燮;杨凤林;薛大明;等.;钯-铁催化还原法对水中三氯乙烯的快速脱氯研究[J]
- RINK D R,SWAN J E.Product Life Cycle Research:a Literature Review[J].Journal of Business Research,1979,7(3):219-242. 张泳.;产品生命周期中的供应链战略与策略研究[J]
- F 0 1 ? X + 4 X D 2 X 9 X 2 ?M ?S N . . ?S N . . F A R . ?N L . . ?D R . . R S . D T . R Z . ? ? ? ? 本站免费电影;提供最新的免费电影在线观看;所有免费电影地址收集于网络;仅做宽带测试.;相关版权归原著作权人所有
- U hlmann D R,Teowee G, Boulton J.Journal of Sol-Gel [J].Science and Technology, 1997,(8):1083. 徐雪青;沈辉.;三氧化钨溶胶稳定机理及薄膜结构变化特征探讨[J]
- Hinton E,Owen D R J. Finite element programming[M]. London: Academic Press, 1977. 重庆建筑工程学院;同济大学.;岩石地下建筑结构[M]
- MERTENS D R, LOFTEN J R.The effect of starch on forage fiber digestion kinetics in vitro[J]. 高民;卢德勋;胡明;等.;可发酵碳水化合物对纤维物质降解动力学影响的研究[J]
- Ferranti Metrology from Scotland introduced its Cantilever CMM with D R O and Fixed Probes. 苏格兰Ferranti计量公司发明了悬臂测量机,配置数显设备和硬测头。
- In Print, as when M F C only with the printer device called the environment O D r a n w () function can be. 但是,如果不绘制自己的视,例如,用一个或 者一个以上的控件窗口填充自己的视就不会打印任何东西。每个控件将使用自己的设备环境 将自己打印到屏幕,因此打印视的唯一途径就是抓取屏幕(拷贝其内容到一个位图对象)并将其 打印到打印机。
- The results show that the shift of resonant wavelengths can be divided into three regions,which agrees with the experiment result of Nicholas D R. 结果发现,随着膜厚及折射率的增大,谐振波长偏移的变化分成三个区域,这与Nicholas D R的实验结果相符。
- Li D R, Shu J M, Cheng J F, Dong W D, Mei Z H, Liu B G.Effects of N, P, K and their combinations on dry matter accumulation of Paspalum notatum. 李德荣;舒俭民;程建峰;董闻达;梅宗焕;刘柏根.;氮磷钾配施对百喜草干物质积累及其动态变化的影响
- MCGOWAN J A, CAYAN D R, DORMAN L M.Climate-ocean variability and ecosystem response in the Northeast Pacific[J].Science,1998(5374), 281: 210217. 洪华生.;台湾海峡生源要素生物地球化学过程研究[A]
- Xu H Y, Lu D R, Luo X W, et al.Study on abrasive wear rule of impeller of centrifugal slurry pump[J].Tribology, 1998, 18 (3): 248-253. [4]许洪元;卢达熔;罗先武;等.;离心式渣浆泵叶轮磨损规律研究[J]
- Secor J , McCarty D R , Shibles R , et al. Variability and selection for leaf photosynthesis in advanced generations of soybeans[J]. Crop Sci,1982,22:255-259. 张治安,张美善,蔚荣海.植物生理学实验指导[M].北京:中国农业科学技术出版社,2004
- Feng D R, Wei J W, Xu X P, Xu Y, Li B J.Introduction of multiple antifungal protein genes into rice and preliminary study on resistance to Pyricularia oryzae of transgenic rices. 冯道荣;卫剑文;许新萍;许耀;李宝健.;转多个抗真菌蛋白基因水稻植株的获得及其抗稻瘟病菌的初步研究
- If I had my way, I'd go to the movies tonight. 假如我做得到的话,我今晚会去看电影。